Temperature Change


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2017
T(t) = 165e^(-0.0123t) models the temperature, T, in degrees Fahrenheit, over t minutes of a cake being taken out of the oven and placed in a 0 degree super-cooler. Which equation represents the temperature of the cake if placed in a 50-degree refrigerator?

a) T(t) = 50(165e^(-0.0123t)
b) T(t) = 165e^(-0.0123t)+50
c) T(t) = 115e^(-0.0123t)+50
d) T(t) = 205e^(-0.0123t)-50
e) None of the above

I plugged in these equations into desmos and looked for the graph that had the same starting point (y-intercept) and cooled off slower and approached 50, so I went with C. I can't find out if my answer is wrong or right so I figured I would post it. Only other viable option in my mind is E. The others have different initial temperatures which was a quick X from me.
Your logic was fine ruling out three of the choices.
I too think that it is choice c. Nice job.
?? (c) has an initial temperature of 115+ 50= 165 and a final temperature of 50.