Trig 2


New member
Jul 27, 2010
A and B are two points on the coast. A is due north of B and AB= 450m. A ship S is due east of A and the bearing of S from B is 038 degrees. A second ship R is due east of B and the bearing of R from A is 128 degrees. Calculate the distance of SR.

Should I assume that A and S are on the same line and that B and R are also on the same line (AS // BR) ?
Again, draw the picture.
No, do not assume the two lines are parallel. It may turn out that they are, but your drawing will onl be more confusing if you assume it so.

Give it a go and let's see what you get.
My sketch and arithmetic show that ABRS is a square comprised of four 38°-52°-90° triangles, but I wonder whether I'm correct because I drew AS parallel to BR.

If points S and R are each due east of points A and B, respectively, and AB runs north-south, it seems, to me, that AS must be parallel to BR.

I already goofed on this one, so I'm going to wait and see.
\(\displaystyle Ah \ ha, \ I'm \ not \ the \ only \ one \ confused \ on \ this \ poser.\)

\(\displaystyle Given \ no \ typos, \ anyone \ got \ a \ handle \ on \ this \ one?\)

\(\displaystyle Thanking \ you \ in \ advance, \ I \ remain, \ your \ humble \ servant \ BigGlenntheHeavy.\)

\(\displaystyle Thank \ you \ Denis, \ I \ corrected \ my \ social \ blunder.\)