Trigonometry Take-Home Test: Please Help!


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Hello. I am given various take-home tests throughout the semester in my Trigonometry class. I'm usually pretty good at remembering new material, but I'm having a lot of trouble remembering how to do the older problems from earlier in the year.

If someone could please refresh my memory and help me understand how to solve these questions, I would be very grateful. There are quite a few questions, so I apologize. The ones I am in need of assistance on are boxed. The last page is all questions that I don't really know where to start with. Thank you in advance!



I managed to figure out #7 and #10 of the first page. Help would be appreciated with the rest of the questions. Thanks.
ThaBeretta said:
I'm having a lot of trouble remembering how to do the older problems from earlier in the year.
I don't like getting angry e-mails from instructors who've discovered that their students were helped in cheating on tests and such, so I'll provide links to online resources rather than giving answers. That way, you can learn the material and take your test yourself! :wink:

how to simplify radical expressions

how to solve quadratic inequalities

how to simplify complex-number expressions

how to work with log expressions

how to solve log equations

the Quadratic Formula

how to solve radical equations

how to simplify "complex" fractions

how to find mean, median, and mode

I'll try to come back later and find links for the various topics necessary for the geometry and trigonometry questions.... :shock: