Two way table

No, the 14 and 29 are the total number taking calculus and taking biology respectively, so they go in the total row and column. So does the 40.

Fill in the rest by subtraction.
If you add up the column under taking calculus don't you see that it adds up to 19. Yet only 14 are taking calculus.

If I were to ask you if you were taking calculus (assume you were) would you say no since you are also taking biology.

When you are told that there are 14 students taking calculus that 14 has nothing to do with other classes a student takes.

I really want you to get this point. Do you have to think what the answer is if someone asks you if you are taking say history--when you are taking history and spanish? What on earth does taking or not taking spanish have to do with whether or not you are taking history!