Type of Stat Test to Use? (research paper on birdstrikes with aircrafts)


New member
Oct 21, 2017

I am writing a research paper on birdstrikes with aircrafts. I am doing multiple stat tests to find significance with the data I have collected. I have been using a chi-squared goodness of fit test for my first analysis, and I thought a one-way ANOVA would be good one to use for my next test, but it doesn't seem to be working out.

Right now, I am trying to see if there is a statistical significant between flock size (categorical data) vs count (interval) vs damage cost (interval).

So I have 3 categories for birds, 1. One bird, 2. 2 - 10 birds, 3. Greater than 10 birds.

Attached is a picture of the table I created for the data.
Any suggestions on type of test?