Unadjusted vs Adjusted Rate Interpertation


New member
Apr 29, 2021
Hi Everyone,

First off, thank you for the help in advance. I have a statistical output and I just need to ensure that I'm interpreting it right. In the image below there are adjusted and unadjusted OR for the exposure (previous hx of transplant) and outcome (development of aggressive prostate cancer). My main question is what does the unadjusted vs adjusted exposed variable OR signify?

Does the OR of 1.097 signify the overall unadjusted OR between exposure + outcome and the exposed OR of 1.453 signify the OR between exposure + outcome after adjusting for age AND AA race? If that is the case what is the interpretation of the unadjusted OR for age and AA, before adjustment shouldn't those OR be equivalent to an OR of 1.097 (or the unadjusted OR of overall exposure vs outcome)?

Thank you!


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