We still need some help with solving linear equations


New member
May 21, 2006
Just looking for someone knowledgeable enough to walk us through
the steps of how to get the answer and solving equations like these:
Thank u in advance for stepping up to the newcomers and helping us out.......
Much appreciated~

3x = 5 + 2(3 + 4x) OR 10 + 3x = 2(3 + 4x) + 5
Re: We still need some assistance....8th grade math- algebra

Hello, greenwood!

\(\displaystyle 3x \;= \;5\,+\,2(3\,+\,4x)\)
Use the Distributive Property to clear the parentheses:\(\displaystyle \:3x\;=\;5\,+\,6\,+\,8x\)

Combine terms (if possible): \(\displaystyle \:3x\;=\;11\,+\,8x\)

Get the x-terms on one side; the constants on the other side.

Subtract \(\displaystyle 8x\) from both sides: \(\displaystyle \:3x\,-\,8x\;=\;11\,+\,8x\,-\,8x\)

\(\displaystyle \;\;\)And we have: \(\displaystyle \:-5x\;=\;11\)

Divide both sides by -5: \(\displaystyle \,\frac{-5x}{-5}\;=\;\frac{11}{-5}\)

Therefore: \(\displaystyle \;x\;=\;-\frac{11}{5}\)

\(\displaystyle 10\,+\,3x\;=\;2(3\,+\,4x)\,+\,5\)
It's the same routine.

Clear parentheses: \(\displaystyle \:10\,+\,3x\;=\;6\,+\,8x\,+\,5\)

Combine terms: \(\displaystyle \:10\,+\,3x\;=\;8x\,+\,11\)

Get the x-terms on one side: subtract \(\displaystyle 8x\) from both sides:
\(\displaystyle \;\;10\,+\,3x\,-\,8x\;=\;8x\.+\,11\,-\,8x\)
. . . . . . .\(\displaystyle 10\,-\,5x\;=\;11\)

Get the constants on the other side: subtract 10 from both sides:
\(\displaystyle \;\;10\,-\,5x\,-\,10\;=\;11\,-\,10\)
. . . . . . . . . \(\displaystyle \,-5x\;=\;1\)

Divide both sides by -5: \(\displaystyle \:\frac{-5x}{-5}\;=\;\frac{1}{-5}\)

Therefore: \(\displaystyle \:x\:=\:-\frac{1}{5}\)