What is the math that is used in programming languages?


New member
Oct 13, 2006
i am a computer programmer.curious to know which sections in the distinctive math will help he understand the concept of the math that is used to write comuter languages?
There is no particular "math" used to write computer programs. You should have some understanding of logic, but, to write a computer program, you need to learn the programming language. This is distinct from learning the math which may (or may not) be required for whatever the program is required to do.

A short exposure to "machine language" programming would help you;
but keep it short: extremely boooooooring :shock:
I feel it depends on what type of programs you'll be writing. If your into operating systems, network flow or data mining etc, advanced math plays a huge role. Proving that your program works is very important. In Computer Science, designing the solution to a problem is what is important. Converting it into a programming language is rather trivial if you know the language well enough.

But, since you asked, specifically, I think Discrete Math and any 400-level or higher math classes will enable you to think more logically about how you approach problems, but experience is the best teacher. However, if you are considering Computer Science as a major, then you will be forced to learn many Mathematical concepts along the way regardless. So, racking some experience doing proofs will put you into a great position.

BTW, Denis, I like programming in machine language!
Why milk cows by hand if you have a milking machine :idea: