why did he square this?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2018
Here is the problem:

I tried various ways to solve this. My method was to take an actual equation, find the values and try to find some kind of relationship between d and h. Here is one thing I tried and how I checked it and came a cropper thereby:

Here is the solution in the solutions manual:

I went over this step by step. He is right, i.e., h does equal -ad^2. But what puzzles me is why did he square that d in the first place? It doesn't seem called for in the sequence he is following.I mean, he gets d= the discriminant over 2 times abs value of a and then...he squares everything....and just as I type this I see why! He is getting rid of the radical sign! No? So that is one part.
The other part of my question is: Why doesn't the process of finding a coefficient of proportionality work here?
There are lots of things to be said about both the assignment and their answer. I'll focus on what they told you to do; others may have more to say than you already have about "why they squared" in their solution method.

Their answer only shows the final algebraic work toward a final answer. They said to explore for several specific equations, but they didn't show that. You did that for one example, and seem to have just made a wild guess as to a possible relationship, assuming a direct proportion. One case is not enough to determine a relationship; and you should never assume proportionality with out a reason. ("That's easiest" is not a valid reason.)

Let me show what I would do.

First, nothing said explicitly in the problem relates to the form of the equation (ax^2 + bx + c), so I'd disobey slightly and use the form that most directly relates to the question, namely what is sometimes called the "vertex form": y = a(x - h)^2 + k. In this form, what is "h" as they are using it (the y-coordinate of the vertex)? It's (unfortunately) what I called (traditionally) k. And what is their "d"? It's the distance from the axis, h, to either of the two intercepts, which are h + sqrt(-k/a) and h - sqrt(-k/a). The distance is sqrt(-k/a), right?

But let's back off, because we have to play with some specific equations. I'll just pick a few:

1: y = 1(x - 3)^2 - 4 --> h = -4, intercept is 3+2 = 5, and axis is 3, so d = 2
2: y = 2(x - 4)^2 - 6 --> h = -6, intercept is 4+sqrt(3), and axis is 4, so d = sqrt(3)
3: y = 3(x - 5)^2 - 9 --> h = -9, intercept is 5+sqrt(3), and axis is 5, so d = sqrt(3)
4: y = 4(x - 3)^2 - 4 --> h = -4, intercept is 3+1 = 4, and axis is 3, so d = 1

Since for the same h we can have different d (examples 1 and 4), and for the same d we can have different h (examples 2 and 3), clearly their claim that h and d themselves are related is false! Something else also affects them. So they could be proportional, but only when something else is fixed. We can't tell yet.

Let's try another example, where a is the same as one of our original set:

5: y = 2(x - 4)^2 - 8 --> h = -8, intercept is 4+2 = 6, and axis is 4, so d = 2

Compared with example 2, we have multiplied h by 4/3, and multiplied d by 2/sqrt(3). So they aren't simply proportional, even with fixed a. But, look -- the ratio of h is the square of the ratio of d! So maybe h is proportional to the square of d (for given a).

That's one way you might follow their instructions to eventually guess at a formula relating h to d; we would eventually find that the constant of proportionality is in fact -a, so our formula would be h = -ad^2.

That's a rather long and uncertain process. That's why they don't show it; they just show the algebraic way. But in fact, I accidentally found the relationship in talking about how we'd find d, because I started with the most convenient form! I said this: "the distance is sqrt(-k/a)". But in their terms, that says

d = sqrt(-h/a)​

And that's the answer! We could leave it like that, or solve for h:

d^2 = -h/a​
-ad^2 = h​

So h is jointly proportional to a and to the square of d.

You asked,
Why doesn't the process of finding a coefficient of proportionality work here?

Do you see the answer? They are not directly proportional, so you can't assume that. You have to either do the experimentation and guess that it is a squared proportionality, or do the algebra and find out for sure.
Well, I was thinking about this last night and it occurred to me that actually the h could be any number and still have the same d and thus there is no way of telling what one is by looking at the other through the lens, so to speak, of a constant that is derived just from manipulating these two. But I confess that I wouldn't have thought of using a for anything or for squaring d. Here is a question: Is there any other element of proportionality that could be exploited here that would produce a formula as elegant as the one presented?
In reading your list of equations I seem to detect that you are using some shorthand method of finding the intercept. Either I don't know this method or I do but am too foggy-headed to recognize it. If I have the vertex form then I know the h (y) and the x of the max or minimum but do I know the intercepts too? I mean without working it out? I am probably missing something really simple here, but....that's nothing new.Thanks very much for taking the time to explain this problem. I think I will experiment with it some more. This concept of proportionality seems to me important and key in this subject and I guess I might even say absolutely fundamental.
I was skipping over some details. Given the vertex form, you can find the x-intercepts like this:

2(x - 4)^2 - 8 = 0​
2(x - 4)^2 = 8​
(x - 4)^2 = 4​
x - 4 = ±sqrt(4)​
x - 4 = ±2​
x = 4 ± 2​

In general,

a(x - h)^2 + k = 0​
a(x - h)^2 = -k​
(x - h)^2 = -k/a​
x - h = ±sqrt(-k/a)​
x = h ± sqrt(-k/a)​

I think the fact that they didn't mention dependence on a is one of several things that make this a less-than-ideal problem as stated -- but a rather interesting one for exploration.

Another direction to explore would be to focus on the graph; that is one reason I would realize that a is a key, since it determines the shape of the graph (how wide it is).
I was skipping over some details. Given the vertex form, you can find the x-intercepts like this:

2(x - 4)^2 - 8 = 0​
2(x - 4)^2 = 8​
(x - 4)^2 = 4​
x - 4 = ±sqrt(4)​
x - 4 = ±2​
x = 4 ± 2​

In general,

a(x - h)^2 + k = 0​
a(x - h)^2 = -k​
(x - h)^2 = -k/a​
x - h = ±sqrt(-k/a)​
x = h ± sqrt(-k/a)​

I think the fact that they didn't mention dependence on a is one of several things that make this a less-than-ideal problem as stated -- but a rather interesting one for exploration.

Another direction to explore would be to focus on the graph; that is one reason I would realize that a is a key, since it determines the shape of the graph (how wide it is).
Yes, now I recognize what what was going on with the intercepts.
yes again, "a" would be the one constituent that is acting directly on where the intercepts will be. That is probably the best way to find this type of constant of proportionality: Find the element of the situation whose increase or decrease directly or inversely governs the component of interest.