word problem #2


New member
Aug 29, 2010
This years boy's baseball team won 4 times as many games as they lost.The team played a total of 40 games. How many games did the team win? I think it is 32? but i'm not really sure. :?
SARAHrawr said:
This years boy's baseball team won 4 times as many games as they lost.The team played a total of 40 games. How many games did the team win? I think it is 32? but i'm not really sure. :?

You didn't say anything about how you arrived at that answer.....

But...here's how you might have proceeded:

This problem talks about the games lost and the games won, and relates the games won to the games lost (the team won 4 times as many as they lost). We don't know the number of games lost, OR the number of games won.

Let x = number of games lost
Then, because we know the team WON 4 times as many games as they lost,
let 4x = number of games won

We know the team played a total of 40 games.

games lost + games won = total games
x + 4x = 40

Now you have an equation you can solve for x. Remember that the question asks for the number of games WON...that's 4x.