word problems: bridge in Mathopolis, crossing a river


New member
Dec 3, 2006
Okay I have no idea how to do this problem:

1) Last fall, the city of Mathopolis decided it needed a bridge across the mile-wide river that divides the city (it’s a sister city to Königsburg). Money was tight and they awarded the contract to the highest bidder. The contractor turned out to be a shady character, and he ignored the specifications mandated by the Army Corps of Engineers and used cheaper materials to build the bridge. There was a heat wave this past June, and in front of the eyes of the Mathopolians the bridge began to expand, and since it was only fixed to the ground on the two ends of the bridge, the middle began to buckle. Over the hot weekend, the bridge expanded exactly two feet in length. David the mayor was furious and called the contractor to complain.
“Two feet—big deal,” said the contractor.
“The middle of the bridge is over 50 feet in the air—it’s utterly unusable,” accused David.
“You’re exaggerating,” countered the contractor with annoyance.
“I can prove it,” warned David, “and if you had taken Math for Survival you could have avoided our multimillion dollar lawsuit!”

I just have no idea where to get started with it.

2) The five Family family members (Mama, Papa, Judy, Lisa and Ed—remember them?) and their five dogs (each family member owned one of the dogs) were hiking when they encountered a river to cross. They rented a boat that could hold three living things: people or dogs. Unfortunately, the dogs were temperamental. Each was comfortable only with its owner and could not be near another person, not even momentarily, unless its owner was present. Dogs could be with other dogs however. The crossing would have been impossible except that Lisa's dog had attended a first-rate obedience school and knew how to operate the boat (but still would attack other people if Lisa wasn’t there—some obedience school). No other dogs were that well educated. How was the crossing arranged, and how many trips did it take?

I tried working it out with like color-coodinated paperclips (they were the people) and tacks (dogs) on the floor. The teacher gave us the answer: it takes 13 times but wants us to work it out and I just can't figure it out for the life of me. Everytime I do some dog attacks a person because it's master isn't there.

Any help for these problems would be so so so great because I've worked hours on them, especially the second one, and have gotten nowhere.
Re: word problems...help!

mallrat said:
Last fall, the city of Mathopolis decided it needed a bridge across the mile-wide river that divides the city (it’s a sister city to Königsburg). Money was tight and they awarded the contract to the highest bidder. The contractor turned out to be a shady character, and he ignored the specifications mandated by the Army Corps of Engineers and used cheaper materials to build the bridge. There was a heat wave this past June, and in front of the eyes of the Mathopolians the bridge began to expand, and since it was only fixed to the ground on the two ends of the bridge, the middle began to buckle. Over the hot weekend, the bridge expanded exactly two feet in length. David the mayor was furious and called the contractor to complain.
“Two feet—big deal,” said the contractor.
“The middle of the bridge is over 50 feet in the air—it’s utterly unusable,” accused David.
“You’re exaggerating,” countered the contractor with annoyance.
“I can prove it,” warned David, “and if you had taken Math for Survival you could have avoided our multimillion dollar lawsuit!”
If each half of the bridge remained straight after the buckling, the mid-point of the 1 mile span would be x feet in the air.

If you look closely, you will uncover a right triangle with two sides of 2640 and 2641.

I'll leave the discovery of the buckled height for you.
A mile = 5280 feet, Malls; so midbridge = 2640 when flat;
expanded 2 feet: 5282; so midbridge = 2641 after expansion;
So you have a right triangle, hypotenuse=2641, one leg=2640: kapish?
mallrat said:
I tried working it out with like color-coodinated paperclips (they were the people) and tacks (dogs) on the floor. The teacher gave us the answer: it takes 13 times but wants us to work it out and I just can't figure it out for the life of me. Everytime I do some dog attacks a person because it's master isn't there.
Any help for these problems would be so so so great because I've worked hours on them, especially the second one, and have gotten nowhere.
I don't feel like spending time on this; but have you tried, as 1st crossing,
to send Lisa's dog driving 2 other dogs across, then coming back?
yeah, i pretty much think i tried everything. but there has to be some way!
Label them this way (capital = owner, small letter = dog; a is the driving dog):
Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee

1: (a,b,c) go across;
2: a returns; left on other side is b,c

3: (B,C) go across;
4: (Cc) return; left on other side is Bb

5: (a,c,d) go across;
6: a returns; left on other side is Bb, c, d :
IS THAT OK? Or will c and/or d attack B even if b is there?
Or can Bb simply walk away after trip#3, so won't be there with c and d?
(problem's wording does not prohibit this...ask teacher)

If so, it can be done: similarly, get Cc over, and they walk away... and so on.
If not, dollars to donuts it can't be done.
yeah the dogs will attack B, as long as their owners aren't their and another owner is present then yeah it won't work.
BUT I also asked (do you not read in full?) if, as example,
B,b are alone on other side, CAN THEY WALK AWAY, so they
will NOT BE THERE when other dogs come across????????????