Write 1/9 as a power of 3


New member
Feb 16, 2017
I must be missing something obvious ... I can get a and b easily but not the last, 1 over 9. Question is:

  1. Write following as powers of 3:
    1. 27
    2. 1
    3. 1
Doh! I think I just spotted my own error

a. 27 = 33

b. 1 = 30

c. 1/9 = 3​-2

Is that right? Cheers
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Can you pls explain how to solve c. I came across a similar question and am confused
Can you pls explain how to solve c. I came across a similar question and am confused
The answer is given there; are you asking for an explanation of how to obtain it?

Assuming you can write 9 as 3^2, you just need to know that 1/a^n = a^{-n}. Are you familiar with that?

If this isn't enough help, please be specific about your own problem, what you have tried, and where you are confused.