Coffee Break: Chime-in Rhymin'


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2015
This comes from an old puzzle-a-day calendar. In each line below, find rhymes for the words so that the first word declares a category and the remaining words list items in that category. The first line has been completed, as an example.

POWER: lazy, knows, fasterFLOWER: daisy, rose, aster

BURNISHING: pouch, damp, sanity →

HEARD: towel, gone, dull →

FORGE: puny, Mormon, garrison→

MICE: injure, leper, face →

That was fun ! I love the third one - took me a while!
**FURNISHING: couch, lamp, vanity
BIRD: fowl, swan, gull (not sure about gone and swan - depends on your accent??)
GEORGE: Clooney, Foreman, Harrison
SPICE: ginger, pepper, mace
furnishing: couch, lamp, vanity
bird: owl, swan(?), gull
George: Mooney, Foreman, Harrison
Spice: ginger, pepper, mace(?)

Personally I wouldn't rhyme gone and swan
and I wouldn't consider mace a spice, but that's just me.
@Romsek Are you thinking of mace the pepper spray? There's a second spice made from the nutmeg plant called mace (different flavor).

who knew!
The "thanksgiving pantry" knows.

Indians (the other kind - the original ones) know.

Mace is a standard spice in pumpkin pie and exotic Indian culinary dishes.