ωms = N/2 x (ωd + ωo)


New member
Jul 29, 2020
For the equation (regarding angular rotation) ωms = N/2 x (ωd + ωo), if N and ωd are constant, how can I describe how a change to resistance, R1 acting against ωo will be split across ωms? Further, how might i explore how a resistance, R2, acting against ωms would split across ωo, and what an R equilibrium equation would look like? Might the answer be similar to a voltage dividers use of Ohm’s law, if you get my meaning?
Can you be a bit more clear about your question? Is there any graph pertinent to the question? Resistances? How are resistances connected to angular rotation? Is this part of a course? what are [MATH]\omega[/MATH]0, [MATH]\omega[/MATH]d and [MATH]\omega[/MATH]ms?
So my drivetrain system has an input and two outputs, and the calculation above describes how angular rotation on the input is distributed between the two outputs. I want to understand how resistances on either or both output axles will affect the angular speed of both outputs. No I don't have graphs. Can you help?
Can you be a bit more clear about your question? Is there any graph pertinent to the question? Resistances? How are resistances connected to angular rotation? Is this part of a course? what are [MATH]\omega[/MATH]0, [MATH]\omega[/MATH]d and [MATH]\omega[/MATH]ms?

A component has an input axle, d, and two outputs o and ms. The relationship of how angular rotation is distributed to output ms is defined by ωms = N/2 x (ωd + ωo). ωd and N are undefined constants. Both outputs are subject to dynamic force functions, f(Fo) and f(Fms). Assuming there's negligible material damping and resistances:

1. Write an equation to describe how a change in fo presents as a resistance function on axle o, with f(Fms) taken into account.
2. Write an equation to describe how a change in Fms presents as a resistance function on axle o, with f(Fo) taken into account.
3. Explore an equilibrium.

Part of the math involved in reverse engineering a contraption I made but want to keep shhh about. Also, there's not a lot of point in asking me to rephrase the question, this is as succinct and organised as it gets.
No idea what you are talking about. Maybe someone else from the forum will be able to help you.