√(20 + √(300)) = √(a) + √(b)

Jennifer Cheung

New member
Sep 28, 2019
Suppose √(20 + √(300)) = √(a) + √(b), where a and b are intergers. Find a² + b².

Hello, I am new to this forum. I am having a problem with my homework. I've tried many times, but it still didn't work. I tried to square both sides, but the result is not satisfying. I also tried turning √a + √b into a² + b², but I failed. Please help me, please!!!

*It is not solved, I accidentally clicked the button.
Hello, and welcome to FMH! :)

I have marked your thread as unsolved again so you may mark it as solved when you choose.

I think I would begin by squaring:

Now, let's arrange as:

Suppose we equate the rational and irrational parts:

Now, squaring the first equation, we find:

Does that make sense?