24 Puzzles: use 4 digits, basic math ops, to evaluate to 24


New member
Oct 23, 2007
I'm not sure if my question falls into this category, but there isn't a better category.

What is the hardest 24 puzzle? (4 digits using *, +, /, or - to achieve 24.) My parents asked me this one: 5, 4, 9, 549. I got stumped. I need a problem to get back at them.

Thanks in advance!
Make something up....

24/2 = 12 --->

4 + 8 = 12 --->

that is three digits: 2, 4 and 8

2(4 + 8) = 24

It might be better to say: what three digits such that the last digit is 4 times two less than the difference between the second and third number, when multiplied twice and added once, equals 24
Try this on Mom and Dad:

1010101 = 9.50
Move one of the 1's to make equation true.

10 T0 10 = 9.50
move last "1" to top of 2nd "1" to make a "T"

What was the exact question on your 5,4,9,549 ?