4 grade math expression


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Some refresh my memory for (p - 9) + 6 action 1 and action 2. I know that the parenthesis start as action 1 but not sure the answer to p-9. My first thought is -p + 6 but am almost certain that is wrong. could use a refresher.:confused:
I would guess this is a recognition and identificatin problem.

Due to the parentheses, IF there were a value for "p", you would subtract '9' from it. The anwer, then, is to say "Do what is in the parenthes, first".
My REAL Action #1, without trying to understand the odd question: Write a Better Question.

I've never been a big fan of packaging math into N-step categories.

Instructor: "Today, we're going to start by learning two-step equations; we'll save three-step equations for Monday. We'll wrap up next week with four-step and five-step equations."

Some student thinking: "God -- where does it end?"

Are there such things as 17-step Integrals? Maybe. But who's counting steps, now?

Rather than focusing on the number of actions to simplify this expression, I would prefer to see more emphasis placed on things like The Commutative Property of Addition and the concept of like-terms.

(p - 9) + 6

Three numbers are being added. They may be added in any order.

I would expect anybody who understands this to realize that those parentheses do nothing, they are no longer needed.

If we must itemize actions, then

Action 1: Remove parentheses
Action 2: Combine like-terms