9 points 2 squares


New member
Sep 29, 2009
"There are 9 points placed in equal distance of each other in large square room. Draw 2 squares so that each point will have a room of its own." I don't think I understand the problem. I tried drawing a large square using the 8 points on the outside perimeter, then drawing a diagonal square using 4 points inside the large square. But the point in the middle isn't used and then there are the four sets of three points on the outside of the large square that don't "have a room of its own". Help?

:oops: :D ***Figured it out. I misunderstood the question/problem. I was thinking each point had to be inside a square room. Instead, each will be inside a triangular room. So, drawing the first square 45 degrees to the large square puts the corner points in their own triangular rooms. Then, drawing the second square inside the first square puts the other points inside their own triangular rooms.**
If you can't provide a diagram of the initial layout, then nobody will understand!