A man buys 2 rats... find number at end of one year.


New member
Nov 25, 2007
Here's the problem and I have no idea of where to begin:

A man buys two rats, one female, one male. I need to determine the number of rats he will have in one year.

You should make the following assumptions:
1) the number of young produced in every litter is six, and three of those six are females.
2) the original female gives birth to six young on the first day, and produces another litter of six every 40 days thereafter.
3) each female born at the man's house will produce her first litter 120 days after her birth, and will produce a new litter every 40 days thereafter.
4) the man cares for his rats very well. Therefore, in the first year, there are only births and no rats die.

HELP!!!!! (Thanks!)