A number cube is rolled 50 times with the results shown in the table.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2017
Hi, Happy New Year to all, this is an exercise about probability with a different twist for me
I know that the basic formula for probability.
P= number of favorable outcomes/ total of outcomes.

while I can see that the number the total of possible outcomes is 21 I am having difficulty in understanding how to use the information given in the frequency row. I don't see any consistency between the outcome and the frequency so I am at a loss for a way to analize this
thanks for any hint

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

A number cube is rolled 50 times with the results shown in the table.

Results of Number Cube Rolling Experiment
Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 10 9 11 12 8 0

What is the experimental probability of rolling a 4?
4/12 4 over 12

4/5 4 over 5

12/50 12 over 50

10/50 10 over 50
I think I may have it. I was not paying attention to this tidbit of info here. what is the experimental probability of rolling a 4?
I take a look at the 4 in the table and I see its frequency is 12, so it has a probability of 4 over 12 first choice. Uhmmm..but I am not so sure.
oh no, 12 over 50
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Oh, I think I have it. I was not paying attention to this tidbit of info here. what is the experimental probability of rolling a 4?
I take a look at the 4 in the table and I see its frequency is 12, so it has a probability of 4 over 12 first choice.
Not correct.
P(rolling a 4)=[imath]\frac{\text{frequency rolling a 4}}{\text{total number of times rolled}}[/imath].
How many times did you roll a 4? How many times did you roll in total?

Now can you calculate:

Probability of NOT rolling a 4 (according to the frequency table given)
Probability of not rolling a 4?.
Well, I ca n roll 1,2,3,5,6 in 50 rolls.
5/50 probability of not rolling a 4.
Probability of not rolling a 4?.
Well, I ca n roll 1,2,3,5,6 in 50 rolls.
5/50 probability of not rolling a 4.
No! think again.

In this case you will either roll a 4 OR roll NOT a 4.

While conducting the experiment of rolling the die (as described in the OP), how many times the experimenter did not roll a 4?
No! think again.

In this case you will either roll a 4 OR roll NOT a 4.

While conducting the experiment of rolling the die (as described in the OP), how many times the experimenter did not roll a 4?
you said 'Probability of NOT rolling a 4 (according to the frequency table given) post #5

to find this I would:
total number of frequencies not rolling a 4/total number of time rolled = 38/50
you said 'Probability of NOT rolling a 4 (according to the frequency table given) post #5

to find this I would:
total number of frequencies not rolling a 4/total number of time rolled = 38/50
Another way to solve Dr Khan's question is to use the complement. Since you rolled a 4 twelve times out of the fifty times. Then (50-12)=38 times you did not get a 4. Thus, P(not rolling a 4)=38/50.
Another way to solve Dr Khan's question is to use the complement. Since you rolled a 4 twelve times out of the fifty times. Then (50-12)=38 times you did not get a 4. Thus, P(not rolling a 4)=38/50.
Wow, amazing. You made it so easy, BBB. Thank you.