About Edmund Landau's Foundations of Analysis


New member
Feb 27, 2019
I once read about the Foundations of Analysis book and loved it and wanted to read the whole book but kept getting stuck a lot and found the book really difficult to understand. Starting by theorem 1 and the proof of it and a couple more theorems, I just felt it's complex.

Is that just me oris the book actually difficult? And does any one know of similar books, especially simpler ones, that I can read?
I once read about the Foundations of Analysis book and loved it and wanted to read the whole book but kept getting stuck a lot and found the book really difficult to understand. Starting by theorem 1 and the proof of it and a couple more theorems, I just felt it's complex. Is that just me oris the book actually difficult? And does any one know of similar books, especially simpler ones, that I can read?
It has been well over forty years since I worked with that book, so I don't want to comment. But there is an old stand by: Principle of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin. Moreover, there is a good website to help with the problems.