Absolute value question


New member
Nov 20, 2020
If 0<a<2b applies, then

|a-2b| = 2b-a

Could someone please explain me why the above is true?

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section.

Much appreciated.
Is the following true? And if so, then can you simplify the RHS?

|a-2b| = |-(a-2b)|
Thanks for the reply.

if I open the parentheses on the RHS, it then becomes |-1*(a-2b)|=|-a+2b|, would it not?

Guess this is wrong way of thinking. So should one instead use |-1*(a-2b)|=|-1|*|a-2b|=|a-2b| ?

Perhaps my problem is this: don’t know how to get rid of the absolute value signs.
If 0<a<2b applies, then

|a-2b| = 2b-a

Could someone please explain me why the above is true?

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section.

Much appreciated.
Recall the piecewise definition of absolute value: if x>=0, then |x| = x; if x<0, then |x| = -x.

Which case applies here?
[MATH]\text {Definition: } c < 0 \implies |\ c \ | = - c;\ c \ge 0 \implies |\ c \ | = c. [/MATH]
Good so far?

[MATH]\text {Let } d \text { be any real number.}[/MATH]
[MATH]\therefore d < 0, d = 0, \text { or else } d > 0.[/MATH]
[MATH]\text {CASE I: } d < 0 \implies \\ |\ d \ | = - d > 0 \implies |\ - d \ | = - d \implies |\ d \ | = |\ - d \ |.[/MATH]
[MATH]\text {CASE II: } d = 0 \implies \\ |\ d \ | = 0 = - 0 \implies |\ - d \ | = |\ - 0 \ | = |\ 0 \ | = 0 \implies |\ d \ | = |\ - d \ |.[/MATH]
[MATH]\text {CASE III: } d > 0 \implies \\ |\ d \ | = d > 0 \implies - d < 0 \implies |\ - d \ | = - (-d) = d \implies |\ d \ | = |\ - d \ |.[/MATH][MATH]\therefore \text {in all cases, } |\ d \ | = |\ - d \ |.[/MATH]
Any questions?

Now apply that theorem to your problem.