adding additional price points - impact on volume distribution


New member
Jan 31, 2020
Hi ,
I have a 8 price points ranging from £50 - £150, I have volume of products I sold at each price points last year. I want to introduce additional 5 price points for the same products this year and I would like to know theoretical volume distribution when I move from 8 price points to 13 price points.
You'll have to invent a model. There is no magic wand.
You'll have to invent a model. There is no magic wand.
I have calculated % of volume sold at each price point and then distributed volume with similar curve between new number of price points.
I was wandering if there is better way how to approach it.
You would have to provide substantially better detail. Do your volumes and price points suggest any localized behavior that might be reminiscent of some known curve or geometric construct? What does "similar" mean. Time was when we solved this problem with the french curve or the weighted spline. These were mechanical tools. There are analytical tools nowadays, unless you are in a very specific trade.