Albert has $2.70 more than Bert / Find pyramid's side length


New member
Sep 18, 2005
1. Albert has $2.70 more than Bert does. Bert Has three times as much money as Chris does. Together, the three friends have $26.22. How much money does Albert have?

2. A square based pyrapid has a volume of 12a^5b^4 units^3 and has a height of 9a^3 units. Determine the side length of the base.

By the way, when i was trying #2, I had to use the volume of square based pyramid. If you dont wanna look it up, it is: V = 2bs + b^2 Also, ^ = Exponent Thanks a million!

We don't do homework here.
Show what you've done.
1. Assume Chris has an amount denoted by x.
How much has Bret got (in terms of x)? As per the problem it is 3x right?
Albert has a certain amount more than 3x. Try to figure it out.
Now frame an expression (of course in terms of x) for the sum of the three and put that
equal to $26.22
Try solving for x (what Chiris has got) and then calculate Albert's share using that value of x.

2. Divide the volume by the height to get the base area. Once you have the area of a square it is not that difficult to find each side. (I am not sure what 'b' and 's'
mean in your volume formula.

Hope all this makes sense.

Another approach for the first exercise.

Since we only need to find Albert's amount, we can let the variable x represent that. This way, when we solve our equation for x, we're done.

Let x = Albert's amount.

We're told that everyone's money totals $26.22, so we can start to set up an equation by adding everyone's money.

26.22 = x + (______) + (______)

We need to write Bert's amount inside one set of parentheses and Chris' amount in the other.

Do you know?

If I have one dollar more than you do, then you have one dollar less than I do.

Telling us that Albert has $2.70 more than Bert is the same as telling us that Bert has $2.70 less than Albert.

Bert has $2.70 less than x (Albert). We write this as x - 2.70.

26.22 = x + (x - 2.70) + (______)

Do you know?

If I have three dollars, and you have one dollar, then I have 3 times more than you, and you have one-third of what I have.

Telling us that Bert has 3 times as much money as Chris is the same as telling us that Chris has one-third of what Bert has.

We calculate one-third of something by dividing it by 3. Divide Bert's amount by 3 to get a fraction that represents Chris' amount.

26.22 = x + (x + 2.70) + (x + 2.70)/3

Now solve this equation to find out what x equals (Albert's amount).

Start by getting rid of the fraction. Multiply both sides of the equation by 3.

89.46 = 3x + 3x - 8.10 + x - 2.70

Go for it.


Where did you find that formula for the volume of a square-based pyramid?

V = (1/3) * s^2 * h

The height is h, and the side-length of the base is s.

Substitute the given expressions for V and h, and solve for s.

You're done!

If you want more help from me, then you need to show your work so far. If you do not understand something, then tell me what you're thinking, so that I can determine why you're stuck.
