Algebra 1 Review Quadratics Word Problem


New member
Aug 9, 2019
I have a problem that reads: A parking lot is to be formed by fencing in a rectangular plot of land except for an entrance 12 feet wide. Find the dimensions of the lot of greatest area if 300 feet of fencing is to be used.

I am also supposed to provide a graph for this problem. On the answer sheet it says that the equation for the graph is y=x(156-x).
Y being area and X being width. I have no idea how to get to this answer. I understand that 156 * 2 = 312, which is 300 + 12, but I don’t understand how to get this equation. Could somebody please explain it to me? Thanks.
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Hello, and welcome to FMH! :)

Let's let \(L\) be the length of the lot, and \(W\) be the width. And so the area \(A\) is:

Now, suppose the gate is put on one of the sides of length \(W\). We then have:


And now we can give the area in one variable...let's choose \(L\):

Does that make sense so far?
Thank you! That helped a lot.

Okay, and so I would continue with the fact that the vertex of a parabola, where the max/min occurs, lies along the axis of symmetry, which will be midway between the roots. We have the area function already factored, so where would the axis of symmetry be?