algebra 1


New member
Dec 31, 2005
find 3 consecutive even numbers so that the sum of the first and third numbers is 22 less than 3 times the second number.
Hello, diane1!

Find 3 consecutive even numbers so that the sum of the first and third numbers
is 22 less than 3 times the second number.
First, express 3 consecutive even numbers.

We know that even numbers "go up by 2's", right?

Let the first one be \(\displaystyle x\), the second be \(\displaystyle x+2\) and the third \(\displaystyle x+4\)

It says: "<u>Sum of first and third</u> <u>is</u> <u>22 less than</u> <u>3 times second</u>".
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\(\displaystyle \downarrow\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\searrow\;\swarrow\)
. . . . . . . . . . . \(\displaystyle \overbrace{x\,+\,(x\,+\,4)} \;\;\;= \;\;\; 3(x\,+\,2)\,-\,22\)

Now solve for \(\displaystyle x\) . . .