algebra word problem


New member
Sep 19, 2010
im not sure how to set up this estimate animal populations biologists count the total number of animals in a small section of habitat the total population of animals is directly proportional to the size of the habotat (in acres) polled. write an equation using only one variable that could be used to solved for variation k.

It's not possible to write an equation containing only one symbol, since they did not provide values for either the population or area.

Here is the form of direct variation between two related numbers x and y. The symbol k represents the constant of variation.

y = k*x

For an example, "The cost of potatoes at some market is directly proportional to the weight purchased.

Cost = k*weight

In this example, k would be the unit price (a constant).

Cost = 0.65*weight

This says that some pounds of potatoes at 65 cents per pound is your cost.

If the purchased weight goes up, so does your cost. If the weight purchased goes down, so does your cost. In other words, the cost varies directly.

To say that total animal population (P) is directly proportional to the area of a polled section of habitat (a) means that for some unknown constant of variation (k):

P = k*a

Therefore, k = P/a

Of course, you are free to pick any three symbols you like, to represent the total animal population, the number of acres polled, and the unknown constant of variation. Just make sure that you state definitions for each symbol you pick, like I did above.
