Angles: m<1=2x+12, m<2=3x+18; if m||n, find m<1


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I'm fairly certain the answer is 30, but I figured it out by trial and error and have no idea how to help my daughter actually solve the equation...


...any help would be greatly appreciated!

I cannot read the entire instruction because the right-hand side of the image is cropped.

I can tell you that a fundamental theorem from geometry tells us that the sum of angle 1 and angle 2 is 180 degrees.

If you need to find x, then write an equation to begin.

2x + 12 + 3x + 18 = 180

If you need to find something else, then please post the entire exercise.

If you need additional help, please explain.

Re: Homework Help - Angles!

Sorry, the whole image is showing on my screen... anyhow, I had rewritten the equation equal to 180 but with the parenthesis still in... it's actually much clearer if you take them out and solve. Thanks! :)
Re: Homework Help - Angles!

I think you got x = 30.

That is correct - however the question is asking for measure of angle 1 which is = 2x + 12 = 72°
Subhotosh Khan said:
… the question is asking for measure of angle 1 …

It's curious to me that I cannot view the entire image.

Double-clicking does nothing.

There's no horizontal scroll bar.

What I see at the upper-right corner is "… if m||n, find"
