anitderivatives to x+2, square root of (25-x^2), 2-x, and

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chillintoucan28 said:
... look, school has not started yet, ... you do not have to be so firm ...

Dear chillintoucan28:

Please do not tell anybody on this board what they "have" to be.

The WAY in which anybody on this board chooses to help is none of my business, and it is none of your business.

You worry about what YOU have to be.

Got the message?

If not, then please let me know.


~ Mark
chillintoucan28 said:
i have not done integration by substitution, look i just need the antiderivative of 2-x, is it or is it not (-x^2)/2 + 2x, if it is not please could you show me the correct answer and how you got it?

I got my answer by using the power rule of antiderivatives

look, school has not started yet, I am doing math for my personal benefit, you do not have to be so firm on having me solve the problem on my own...
You've been given a complete solution three times. The fact that you aren't getting it suggests to me that you are not prepared to do this on your own.
chillintoucan28 said:
ok foreget about 2-x, can some be kind enough to show me how to find the antiderivative of square root of (25-x^2), thats my very last question, I promise, but I do need a through step by step process shown, Thank You!

i have not done integration by substitution,

I would not know how to show you anti-derivative of [sqrt](25 - x^2) without substitution and trigonometric functions...
wouldnt you just use the power rule?

F(x)=(x^(n+1))/n+1 +C (capitlaized f means antiderivative)

where f(x) = x^n
chillintoucan28 said:
wouldnt you just use the power rule?<<< No

F(x)=(x^(n+1))/n+1 +C (capitlaized f means antiderivative)

where f(x) = x^n

Please do not argue from strength of ignorance.
why not? the square root of something is just that to the power of (1/2)

so (25-x^2)^(1/2)

according to the power rule, the antiderivative would be [(25-x^2)1.5]/1.5 + C

is that not correct, if not, then why isn't it?
incorrect ... because the derivative of (25 - x[sup:2j22uhrr]2[/sup:2j22uhrr])[sup:2j22uhrr]1.5[/sup:2j22uhrr]/1.5 is not (25 - x[sup:2j22uhrr]2[/sup:2j22uhrr])[sup:2j22uhrr]1/2[/sup:2j22uhrr].

Look ... no one here is trying to conceal anything from you. Something else you need to learn besides the chain rule ... a bit of patience. Trust me, it will all become clear when your face-to-face teacher explains it all during the coming school year, and yes, it will take the entire year to learn these things.
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