annuities present value


New member
Nov 23, 2019
Dear friends , please help with this problem below

A is entitled to the following benefits:
1) Five annual payments at the rate of 200 p.a the first being due at the end of one year from now.
2)Thereafter 6 annual payments at the rate of 300 p.a , the first of these being due at the end of 11 years from now.
3) An additional lump sum payment of 2000 at the end of 10 years.

Find the present value of his benefits at the rate of interest of 6 percent p.a
Why not just write it down?

i = 0.06
v = 1/(1+i)

200 one (1) year from now is "200v"
300 eleven (11) years from now is "300v^11"

Write an expression for ALL of your payments.