another interval function question

What is the world is an interval function?
This is in interval notation: \(\displaystyle \L
( - 6,3.5) = \{ x: - 6 < x < 3.5\}\).
I have given you two possible ways to write it.
What would
"All real numbers not equal to 4 or -4" or x=4 be in interval notation?

Please help!
If the sentence is really “the set of all numbers not equal to −4 or 4” then it is \(\displaystyle \L
( - \infty , - 4) \cup ( - 4,4) \cup (4,\infty )\).

But that is not the sentence you wrote.
Please review what you wrote and advise us.
I am working on the problem...
What is the domain of this function? (in interval notation)
the solution I got was x=4. Now all I need to do is figure out how to put this into interval notation.
Could you give me a hand?
The interval notation, \(\displaystyle ( - \infty , - 4) \cup ( - 4,4) \cup (4,\infty )\), is the domain of the function \(\displaystyle f(x) = \frac{{x + 20}}{{x^2 - 16}}\)