any way to simplify multiplying big numbers in your head?


New member
Feb 5, 2009
is their any way to simplify multiplying big numbers in your head like 167x782? just curiouse cuz i am on the number sense team at school and i wanna try to make it easier. number sense is when you do math in your head with no scratch paper.
No scratch paper? Yikes.

One could approach your example like the following.

167 * 782 = (100 + 60 + 7) * (700 + 80 + 2)

I do this sort of multiplication mentally, from time to time, but always with much smaller numbers.

Now use the distributive property.

Multiplying 700, 80, and 2 by 100 is easy to do mentally. Being able to remember the intermediate results is not something that I'm very good at.

70000 + 8000 + 200 = 78200

Multiplying 700, 80 and 2 by 60 isn't too difficult, either.

42000 + 4800 + 120 = 46800 + 120 = 46920

Multiplying 700, 80, and 2 by 7 is easy.

4900 + 560 + 14 = 5460 + 14 = 5474

I did these steps mentally without issue, but I don't have the ability to remember the results! Even if I were able to retrieve them from the scary chambers of my mind, trying to subsequently sum them mentally would make my head spin.

167 * 782 = 78200 + 46920 + 5474 = 130594

I'm sure there are lots of "tricks" for this type of mental calculation. I only know a few that work with smaller numbers.

Two examples for "smallish" multiples of 11:

11 * 27

Add the digits 2 and 7; then put the result between them.

2 + 7 = 9

11 * 27 = 297

How about 11 * 43?

4 + 3 = 7.

11 * 43 = 473

Your post looks like a job for Denis, to me. :)
nckoliss said:
is their any way to simplify multiplying big numbers in your head like 167x782? just curiouse cuz i am on the number sense team at school and i wanna try to make it easier. number sense is when you do math in your head with no scratch paper.

If you have multiplication like:

31 * 29 = 30[sup:1zlrene9]2[/sup:1zlrene9] - 1 = 899......and so on....