Arrrggghhh...brain melt


New member
Feb 10, 2012
I have a slight problem, I have one question that I cannot get my head around in math class, can anyone break it down for me please?

4/11 x (35/8 x 22/5) = (4/11 x 35/8) x 22/5

I am completely lost here! Any help would be great, thanks!
Are you to show that both sides are equal? Then multiply them out and verify they are the same. Do what is in parentheses first.
Hello, guamgirl1012

I have a slight problem.
I have one question that I cannot get my head around in math class.
Can anyone break it down for me please?

\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \frac{4}{11} \times \left(\frac{35}{8} \times \frac{22}{5}\right) \;=\;\left(\frac{4}{11} \times \frac{35}{8}\right) \times \frac{22}{5}\)

What is the question?

If you are to verify the statement,
. . do what daon2 suggested.

If you are to interpret the statement,
. . in a product, the grouping of the factors does not matter.

If you are to identify the statement,
. . it is the Associative Property of Multiplication.