
For the record no one answered your question because this is not a homework site where you drop off your questions and come back later for the answer. On this forum we expect you to solve your own problems with hints from helpers from the forum. Normally to receive help you need to show your work so we know where you need help.

After 0 hours you have 254 pages to read.
After 1 hour you have 254-18 pages to read.
After 2 hours you have 236-18 pages to read.
After 3 hours you have 218-18 ages to read.
Now you continue...

Can you think of a quicker way?
i can read 18 pages in one many Hours to complete 254 pages
One standard way to solve this is to write a proportion. Is that something you've learned yet? (One reason we need to see your work is to see what method you are learning.)