Boolean Algebra/Functions


New member
Mar 14, 2012
So, i've got a little problem with boolean algebra/functions. As an test we will be given some simple Function or Table with values and have to make Table, Function and Schema out of this.
I'm having problem with finding some examples T_T, hope you guys can help, i also have it kinda hard to explain myself in english..

Example of all this rubbish wall of text i typed before:
We are given something like - X1 ( ~X2 + X3~X4 + X1~X2) + X1X3~X4 +X2X4 = X1~X2 + X2X4 + X1X3

~ is the NOT,
With given function for example i need to make an table with values ( 0, 1) and a Schema, can anyone give me some example of this by making Table and Schema for one i gave or some other?