Calculating average in ratio.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
I am student and need help in solving following problem.
Problem : " Two groups of students, whose averages are 15 years and 25 years , combine to form a third group whose average age is 23 years. What is the ratio of number of students in the first group to the number of students in the second group? "

The question have four options : (A) 8 : 2 (B) 2 : 8 (C) 4 : 6 (D) None of them.

Reference : The question is taken from the book "How to prepare for the quantitative aptitude for the CAT by the Arun Sharma 4th edition , Page number 101 ,Question number : 5, Chapter number 3 : Averages.

Can some one give me the solution with the appropriate explanation ?
Thanking you in advance.
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I got the answer.
15x + 25y = 23 (x + y).
-> 15x + 25y = 23x + 23y
-> 25y - 23y = 23x - 15x
-> 2y = 8x
-> 8x / 2y
->x/ 4y
So the ratio is 1 : 4 and the option none of the above. If anyone give shortcut method then I am appreciable.