Distances and MPH


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Can someone please help? This is the question and i just cant get my head around it! A route planner suggests that a journey will take 2 hours and 12 minutes and is 112 miles.Find the average speeds for such a journey to 2 significant figures. Martin estimates that the fastest average speed they can manage for a journey of this type is 57MPH. Find the time in hours and minutes that it would take at this average speed

Can someone please help? This is the question and i just cant get my head around it! A route planner suggests that a journey will take 2 hours and 12 minutes and is 112 miles.Find the average speeds for such a journey to 2 significant figures. Martin estimates that the fastest average speed they can manage for a journey of this type is 57MPH. Find the time in hours and minutes that it would take at this average speed


The definition of average speed

\(\displaystyle average \ speed \ = \ \frac{\text Total \ distance \ travelled}{\text Total \ time \ of \ travel}\)

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