each airline passenger is allowed x pouinds of luggage, and


New member
Feb 19, 2007
PROBLEM: each airline passenger is allowed x pouinds of luggage, and has to pay for any excess weight. Mr. and Mrs. B. paid $2.50 extra for their 105 lbs. of luggage. Mr. F. also had 105 lbs. of luggage, but he had to pay $6.50 for his excess weight. How many pounds of luggage is each airline passenger allowed without charge?

-Would I solve this problem by setting up 2 equations? thanks :D

2x = 105/2.50
x = 105/6.50
Yes, you would set up two equations, but you must first DEFINE what you mean. What is 'x'? Does it relate to anything? Should you count ALL the luggage in calculating the cost of EXCESS luggage? Give it another go.
Well X is the pounds of luggage permitted for each passenger. And now in the equations i suppose you wold have to minus something from 105 to find the EXCESS weight. i could take it from there, but what and how do i subtract something from 105. another variable? How would i go about doing this? thanks.
AcademicLover14 said:
Well X is the pounds of luggage permitted for each passenger.
Don't tell me, tell the problem statement.

The problem statement provides one definition. 'x' free pounds of luggage. Don't change the definition of 'x'. It is in the problem statement.

And now in the equations i suppose you wold have to minus something from 105 to find the EXCESS weight.
Is "minus" a verb? Language is important. Trust me on this. I'm not just beign picky.

i could take it from there, but what and how do i subtract something from 105. another variable? How would i go about doing this? thanks.
Read the problem statement VERY CAREFULLY and you will see it.

Let RATE = the charge per pound of excess luggage.

Mr. and Mrs. B

(105 lbs - 2*x)*RATE = 2.50

Mr. F

(105 lbs - x)*RATE = 6.50

Write clear and concise definitions.
Write clear and comprehensible equations.

You seem to have the right idea, but you're just not sufficiently organized in your thinking. Clear notation, definitions, and equations will help you through this.

Note: In this problem, you are NOT asked for the cost of the excess luggage. You may wish to select a solution approach that does NOT tell you what RATE is. Go directly to 'x' and don't worry about the excess rate. In other words, solve each equation for "RATE" and see if that suggests to you anything convenient.