

New member
Jan 25, 2015
a photo sized 15cm by 10.5cm was enlarged so that its area is twice as big as it was before. what are the dimensions of the new photo?:confused:
a photo sized 15cm by 10.5cm was enlarged so that its area is twice as big as it was before. what are the dimensions of the new photo?:confused:

What are your thoughts?

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Please share your work with us ... even if you know it is wrong

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If the length gets enlarged by an amount 'm' and

the width gets enlarged by an amount 'm'

then area (= length*width) gets enlarged by ????
I only managed to work out the area of the original one. 15*10.5=157.5cm^2. Nothing else. Can you help...please?
I only managed to work out the area of the original one. 15*10.5=157.5cm^2. Nothing else. Can you help...please?
You want to multiply both sides (length and width) by the same number and you want this product to be 2*157.5cm^2
a photo sized 15cm by 10.5cm was enlarged so that its area is twice as big as it was before. what are the dimensions of the new photo?:confused:
Since you posted this to "Arithmetic" rather than to any of the geometry or algebra categories, I'll assume that you don't know about variables or equations yet. So what method have they give you to use for this sort of exercise?

Please be complete, showing the work you've done so far in applying that method. Thank you! ;)