Equation defined by function


New member
Nov 3, 2020
Hello! I have this homework task and i cant find a proper solution to it. I found that x = 0 is a root but i wonder if there are more than just that.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Hello! I have this homework task and i cant find a proper solution to it. I found that x = 0 is a root but i wonder if there are more than just that.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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Did you calculate f2(x)?

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Did you calculate f2(x)?

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So I found out f2(x) = ||x|-2|-2, f3(x) = |||x|-2|-2|-2 ... f2020(x) = |||...|x|-2|-2|....-2|-2 where the number of '-2' are 2020. We know that fn is a even function.

I also found that f2020(x) = { 0 , if x = 4k || -1 , if x = 2k-1 || -2 , if x = 4k+2 , where k belongs to Integer(Z) and -4040<=k<=4040
So f2020 belongs to [-2;0] if k is in the interval [-4040;4040]. That means the only Integer that can be root of the equation is 0. After that interval the values of f2020(x) are Natural numbers(N) (f2020(4041) = 1, f2020(4042) = 2 and so on /its the same for negative numbers because the function is even/).

We can also analyze the function g(x) = x/20. His values can be any number and if x>0, g(x) >0 else x<0, g(x)<0. That means there must be one more positive root which will be for x>4040 and x will probably be Real number(R) and also 2019 other negative numbers.

So I think I need to find some kind of relation between the negative roots in the form of a different function or something else. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated!