equation for line with intercepts (-2, 0) and (0, 8)


New member
Jul 26, 2007
Write the equation of the line with x-intercept (-2, 0) and y-intercept (0, 8) in slope-intercept form.

Here is what I have. Please let me know if I am correct. Thank you!

slope m = 4

y - 8 = 4[x - (-2)]

y - 8 = 4(x + 2)

y - 8 = 4x + 8

y = 4x + 8 + 8

y = 4x + 16
You appear to have plugged half of two different points (namely, the intercepts) into the point-slope formula. However, the point-slope formula allows for only one point to be plugged into it. :shock:

You have found the correct slope value. Now pick either one of the points (the y-intercept might be helpful), and plug that into the formula you've chosen. :wink:

Hope that helps! :D

You could try the Intercept Form

\(\displaystyle \L\frac{x}{-2}+\frac{y}{8} = 1\)

For the setup.

The algebra isn't really any trickier.
Thanks Eliz. That is what I had done and then second guessed myself no idea why. :D