equation / plot for constant growth and exp. decay


New member
Oct 13, 2019
hey guys. I'm using an ozone generator to try to disinfect stuff and I need to know ozone amounts/concentrations over time.

the generator has a fixed output of 10000grams ozone per hour
and ozone has a half life in air of approx 10mins

how can I get Wolfram to plot this?

I had something like

dN/dt = A - lambda*N

where A is my constant 10000 g/hr and lambda relates to the half life in the usual way. .... but I don't know how to get Wolfram to plot this ... from initial conditions N=0 for t=0 to t=3 hours

if anyone could help me with this I would be really grateful.... it has been 20 years since doing calculus.....!!!! thanks, Anthony
hey guys don't worry I worked it using symbol.com diff eq calculator.

N'(t) + 6N = 10000 and get a graph which asymptotically approaches about 1600g after an hour

where N'(t) is dN/dt