equations: solve 2 / 5 = x - 3 / 20 for x

Re: equations

Hello, dkarolasz!

Don't let the fractions scare you . . .

Solve for x: \(\displaystyle \L\:\frac{x\,-\,2}{20}\:=\:\frac{2}{5}\)

Multiply both sides by 20: \(\displaystyle \L\:\sout{20}\,\cdot\frac{x\,-\,2}{\sout{20}} \;=\;\sout{20}^{^4}\,\cdot\,\frac{2}{\not{5}}\)

Then we have: \(\displaystyle \L\:x\,-\,2\:=\:8\;\;\Rightarrow\;\;\fbox{x\:=\:10}\)

thanks I was working on it while I was waiting of a reply and I got it right. thanks again
You can solve this w/out even writing a single thing down.

[1] 2/5 = 40%

Since you have (something/20) it still must equal 40%. Since you multiply the denominator by 4 on [1] to get 20 as the new denominator, the new numerator must also be multiplied by 4. 2 * 4 = 8. Since 10 - 2 = 8, then x must be 10.