Evaluate integral


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Integrate (cos(x))/(1+sin(x^2))dx from 0 to pi/2. Use Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate.
\(\displaystyle \int\frac{cos(x)}{sin^{2}(x)+1}dx\)

Let \(\displaystyle u=sin(x), \;\ du=cos(x)dx\)

Make the subs and it results in an integral involving arctan.

Typing sin(x^2) does not mean sin(x)*sin(x).

Typing sin(x)^2 does.

janeann said:
Integrate (cos(x))/(1+sin(x^2))dx from 0 to pi/2. Use Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate.

There are two FTCs - which one is applicabble for this problem?

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janeann said:
Integrate (cos(x))/(1+sin(x^2))dx from 0 to pi/2. Use Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate.

I assumed you meant \(\displaystyle sin^{2}(x)\) and not \(\displaystyle sin(x^{2})\).

These are two different animals. The latter is not integrable in the elementary sense and would require numerical methods.

There are ways to evaluate \(\displaystyle \int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}sin(x^{2})\), though.
So which one was it .... sin(x[sup:1hori25u]2[/sup:1hori25u]) or sin[sup:1hori25u]2[/sup:1hori25u](x) ????