Evaluating formula HELP: Solve A= at+ bt for T


New member
Jul 3, 2015
Hello my fellow math-o-holics, I require assistance on an formula related exercise: A= at+ bt . Solve for T. The answer which I found in the back of the math text book is: T= A
Coincidentally this is the last exercise on my homework assignment and it beckons and taunts me ever so. I have not the slightest idea how to obtain the aforementioned solution, so I ask of anyone who can help me solve this beast >_<.

If not then I say thanks for reading my post thus far =)
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I [request] assistance on an formula related exercise: A= at+ bt . Solve for T.
Since there is no "T" in the equation, you cannot solve for it. Maybe the instructions meant to say to "Solve for t". This is mathematically possible.

If they'd told you to "factor the expression at + bt", would you know what to do? If not, try here. If so, then, after factoring the right-hand side, can you see what would be the next step to complete the isolation of (that is, the solving for) "t"? ;)