exponential functions


New member
Sep 7, 2005
this might seem like a stupid question, but I cannot remember for the life of me the rules for this. ok so i'm solving a differential equation and i end up with:
I'm having trouble remembering the rules for exponential functions. I can't figure out how to rewrite/simplify this. Any help?
Thanks! Katy
Hello, Katy!

That was not a stupid question . . . This is a tricky one.

i'm solving a differential equation and i end up with: .\(\displaystyle s\:=\:e^{[0.5\ln(2t)\,+\,t^2\,+\,c]}\)

I can't figure out how to rewrite/simplify this.
Recall that: .\(\displaystyle e^{a+b}\:=\:e^a\,\cdot\,e^b\)

So: .\(\displaystyle e^{[0.5\ln(2t)\,+\,t^2\,+\,c]}\;=\;e^{0.5\ln(2t)}\,\cdot\,e^{t^2}\,\cdot\,e^c\)

Since \(\displaystyle e^c\) is just another constant \(\displaystyle C\), we have: .\(\displaystyle C\cdot e^{t^2}\cdot e^{0.5\ln(2t)}\)

Then: .\(\displaystyle C\cdot e^{t^2}\cdot e^{\ln(2t)^{\frac{1}{2}}}\:=\:C\cdot e^{t^2}\cdot(2t)^{\frac{1}{2}}\:=\:C\cdot e^{t^2}\cdot\sqrt{2t}\)