Factoring with coefficients: 2​​y2 + 3y -27


New member
Mar 30, 2017
[FONT=KaTeX_Main]I have a question about this equation: [/FONT][FONT=KaTeX_Main]

2​y2 + 3y -27

The answer says that we should factor it into (2y + 9)(x - 3). Why is this? I can't seem to get the answer. I understand the basics of factoring because if we did it like what equals to 3 but multiplies
to -27? Then I would write 9 * -3. But doesn't this only apply to normal x2? Why do you have to multiply. Aren't you supposed to multiply the coefficient by the 27 then find what equals to 3. That is 9 * -6 = -54.
so that becomes 2y2 + 9y -6y - 27. No? What am I doing wrong. I don't understand this.
[FONT=KaTeX_Main]I have a question about this equation: [/FONT][FONT=KaTeX_Main]

2​y2 + 3y -27

The answer says that we should factor it into (2y + 9)(x - 3). Why is this? I can't seem to get the answer. I understand the basics of factoring because if we did it like what equals to 3 but multiplies
to -27? Then I would write 9 * -3. But doesn't this only apply to normal x2? Why do you have to multiply. Aren't you supposed to multiply the coefficient by the 27 then find what equals to 3. That is 9 * -6 = -54.
so that becomes 2y2 + 9y -6y - 27. No? What am I doing wrong. I don't understand this.

First off, I'll guess that these are typos and are meant to read 'y'. That aside, your method is a bit flawed because it only works for polynomials where the coefficient on the squared term is 1. That is to say, if the equation were of the form y2 + by + c = 0, you could that factor into \(\displaystyle (y + \alpha)(y + \beta)\), such that \(\displaystyle \alpha \cdot \beta = c\) and \(\displaystyle \alpha + \beta = b\)

When the coefficient on the y term is not 1, things are a bit more difficult. The general form ay2 + by + c = 0 factors into \(\displaystyle (\gamma \cdot y + \alpha)(\delta \cdot y + \beta)\), this time obeying the constraints that \(\displaystyle \gamma \cdot \delta = a\), \(\displaystyle \gamma \cdot \beta + \delta \cdot \alpha = b\), and \(\displaystyle \alpha \cdot \beta = c\).

As an example of the above, with "real" numbers, to hopefully help it sink it a bit, consider the polynomial 4y2 + 4y - 3. That factors into (2y - 1)(2y + 3). Here, we have \(\displaystyle \gamma = 2\), \(\displaystyle \alpha = -1\), \(\displaystyle \delta = 2\), and \(\displaystyle \beta = 3\). The three required relationships hold with these values:

  • \(\displaystyle \gamma \cdot \delta = 2 \cdot 2 = 4 = a\)
  • \(\displaystyle \gamma \cdot \beta + \delta \cdot \alpha = 2 \cdot 3 + 2 \cdot (-1) = 4 = b\)
  • \(\displaystyle \alpha \cdot \beta = (-1) \cdot 3 = -3 = c\)

However, to be honest, I don't even bother factoring "manually" for polynomials where the coefficient of the squared term isn't 1. I just jump straight to using the quadratic formula, which works for any polynomial with any real-valued coefficients, even if they're not integers. You may have seen the formula floating about. It says that any polynomial \(\displaystyle ax^2 + bx + c\) can be factored into \(\displaystyle (x - \alpha)(x - \beta)\), where \(\displaystyle \alpha \text{ and } \beta\) are given by:

\(\displaystyle \alpha = \dfrac{-b + \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}\)

\(\displaystyle \beta = \dfrac{-b - \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}\)

In your problem you have a = 2, b = 3, and c = -27. What happens if you plug in these values?
Aren't you supposed to multiply the [leading] coefficient by the -27 then find [factors of that product that sum] to 3. That is 9 * -6 = -54.

so [after rewriting the 3y term the expression] becomes 2y^2 + 9y - 6y - 27.

You can use the caret symbol ^ to show exponents
You're on the right track, for using the Factor by Grouping Method.

2y^2 + 3y - 27

We multiply A*C = -54

We look for factors of -54 that sum to B (which is 3)

(-6)(9) = -54

-6 + 9 = 3

We use these factors to rewrite the middle term of the given polynomial.

2y^2 - 6y + 9y - 27

You got this far. (It doesn't matter which order you write: -6y+9y or 9y-6y will each lead to the same result.)

The next step is to group the first two terms and group the last two terms.

(2y^2 - 6y) + (9y - 27)

Next, factor each group. You'll find that the same factor (y-3) appears twice, so factor it out, to get the final factorization.

I'll show these last steps, using ksdhart2's example.

4y^2 + 4y - 3

A*C = (4)(-3) = -12

Factors of -12 that sum to 4 are:

(-2)(6) = -12

-2 + 6 = 4

Rewriting first-degree term in given quadratic:

4y^2 - 2y + 6y - 3

Group pairs of terms:

(4y^2 - 2y) + (6y - 3)

Factor each group:

2y(2y - 1) + 3(2y - 1)

The factor (2y-1) appears on each side of the plus sign, so we factor it out:

(2y - 1)(2y + 3)

[FONT=KaTeX_Main]I have a question about this equation: It's an expression, not an equation.[/FONT][FONT=KaTeX_Main]

2​y2 + 3y -27

The answer says that we should factor it into (2y + 9)(x - 3).

JUWON, that should be (2y + 9)(y - 3) instead.
I have a question about [factoring] this [expression]: 2​​y2 + 3y -27

The answer says that we should factor it into (2y + 9)(x - 3). Why is this?
They were supposed to have covered factorization of this sort before assigning homework on it. We can't here replace the days of classroom lectures which were skipped, so you may want to consider studying some online lessons on how to factor quadratics that have a leading coefficient which is not 1. For a list of lessons, try here. ;)