"Fantasy Land is home to several Hyena packs and is approaching winter which lasts 3 months."


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Oct 20, 2023
Fantasy Land is home to several Hyena packs and is approaching winter which lasts 3 months. Researchers are particularly interested in Hyena survival rates during winter months, since mating season occurs in spring. Researchers are interested in adding more Hyenas of reproductive age to improve pack growth. However researchers are not sure when to add the wolves to the region.

Adding the Hyenas during the winter would allow for more bonding time, but a lower chance for survival. On the contrary, adding the Hyenas during the spring would allow for less bonding time, but a higher chance for survival.

To determine whether to add the hyenas in the spring, researchers have set a threshold loss of 125 hyenas. In that, if more than 125 hyenas do not survive over the winter months, then the hyenas of reproductive age will be added in the spring.

Researchers are able to approximate hyena survival over winter month. Hyenas have an approximate 95% chance of surving from month-to-month in the harsh winter conditions. Of those that survive the winter conditions each month, 10% are too weak to hunt and will not survive.

The population of Hyenas in the region is 500 and those of reproductive age is 275.


During the winter months, what was the cumulative percentage loss of Hyenas at the end of each month compared to their starting population.

Loss Month one:

Loss Month two:

Loss Month three:
