Find formula of a function


New member
Mar 2, 2019
I’m hard stuck with the following problem. Do you have any idea?
Let F: R ->R be a continuous function for which
e^F(x)-e^-F(x)=2x for every x in R
Find the formula of F(x).
I would begin by writing the relation in the following form:

Can you proceed?
Nevermind. I just found what I should do. Here is the answer for anyone being curious about it.
Nevermind. I just found what I should do. Here is the answer for anyone being curious about it.

I don't see an answer in your post, but I would continue, and write:

Yes, it can be shown that:

Note: there's no need for absolute value brackets around the argument of the natural log function, as it will be positive for all real \(x\).