Find the equation for 32.06, 34.26, 35.84, 39.2, 44.92 and 52.24 to equal 56.68


New member
Jan 8, 2023
what equation do you come up for 32.06, 34.26, 35.84, 39.2, 44.92 and 52.24 to equal 56.68
what equation do you come up for 32.06, 34.26, 35.84, 39.2, 44.92 and 52.24 to equal 56.68
Hello. Your question is unclear. None of those numbers equal 56.68, and you haven't indicated the sort of equation that you have in mind. (Linear?) You've already ignored every response we've given in your other two threads, so it appears that you're really not serious.

Please be complete!

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I think the cat wins for silliness (I almost snorted coffee), and blamocur wins for mental effort! ?